Wednesday, July 15, 2009


So I got an email from My English teacher today. Something to the tune of: "Yea, it was really cute how you tried to turn in an entire essay citing the wrong author the entire, and by cute I mean dumb, so try again." So yea, I got to feel really special as I proofread my essay and changed the the name of the author whose essay I am arguing against. I cited it just about, oh, only twenty times. Pretty awesome. But at least she is letting me fix it before she grades it. And another thing, she nixed my Holocaust denial idea for an essay. She said it was too broad so am thinking of doing it on Apocalypto and how peeps think that it makes Mayans seem violent. Dunno, if people came and raped and plundered my village I would be pretty mad too but at the same time how are the crops going to grow back if humans aren't sacrificed to the sun god? Quite a conundrum, if you ask me. More to come on this...

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